An experiment studying the interaction between visual versus perception and visual versus verbal responses.
A data frame with 80 observations on the following 5 variables.
Subject identifying number (s1
to s20
Describe a diagram (visual
) or a sentence (verbal
Point response (visual
) or say response (verbal
Response time (in seconds)
This data set was taken from the
R package. From the description in that package, the original data appear
to have been collected in a Mount Holyoke College psychology class based
replication of an experiment by Brooks, L., R. (1968) "Spatial and verbal
components of the act of recall," Canadian J. Psych. V 22, pp. 349 - 368.
Subjects carried out two kinds of tasks. One task was visual (describing a diagram), and the other was classed as verbal (reading and describing a sentence sentences). They reported the results either by pointing (a "visual" response), or speaking (a verbal response). Time to complete each task was recorded in seconds.